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Legal enshrinement of the GBL takes effect on 1 July 2025

The entry into force of the legal enshrinement of the GBL (Code of Conduct for the Treatment of Personal Injury) has been announced for July 1, 2025. This change aims to further professionalize the handling of personal injury cases and put the victim first. But what exactly does this mean, and what does it mean for you as a victim?

The liable insurer plays a crucial role within the personal injury process. This insurer is responsible for reimbursing costs for legal assistance and the final compensation. It is important that the liable insurer complies with the rules of conduct within the claims process.

What is the code of conduct for

The Code of Conduct on Personal Injury Treatment (GBL) is a set of rules of conduct specifically designed to make personal injury treatment more fair and transparent. This code of conduct was created with the aim of putting the victim’s interests first and developing a more harmonious and clearer claims process. The GBL has been endorsed by the Association of Insurers, legal expenses insurers, various interest groups and victim organizations. Due to this broad support, the GBL provides a solid basis for fair treatment of personal injury cases.

What is the Code of Conduct on Handling Personal Injury GBL and why is it being legislated?

The Code of Conduct on Personal Injury Litigation (GBL) is a set of guidelines designed to make the handling of personal injury claims fairer, faster and more transparent. This code of conduct was created by insurers, lawyers and advocates to better protect victims and streamline procedures. The GBL also ensures transparency in compensation for out-of-court legal assistance, which is essential for fair compensation.

With its legal enshrinement, the GBL will no longer be optional. From July 1, 2025, it will become an obligation for all parties involved in personal injury cases. This means better protection for victims and more pressure on insurers and advocates to comply. Insurers must take a well-reasoned position on liability within three months of receiving a notice of liability, which is an important responsibility in handling personal injury claims.

Main changes due to legal enshrinement

As of July 1, 2025, the following changes will be implemented:

  • Mandatory compliance with the GBL: Insurers and advocates are required to follow the guidelines.

  • Faster processing of claims: Stricter deadlines should ensure that victims no longer have to wait unnecessarily for compensation.

  • Greater transparency: Parties should provide clear communication about the process and decisions made.

  • Putting the victim first: The victim is even more central to the handling of the personal injury case.

Code of conduct on handling personal injury GBL

The GBL contains ten rules of conduct specifically aimed at insurers, victims and advocates. These rules of conduct are designed to protect the interests of the victim and guarantee fair and transparent claims handling. The rules are binding on the members of the Association of Insurers and the organizations affiliated with the National Seal of Approval for Personal Injury of The Personal Injury Council. This means that these parties are obliged to comply with the rules of conduct, which contributes to a more reliable and consistent approach to personal injury cases.

Personal injury treatment

Personal injury litigation is a complex process involving several parties, including the insurer, the advocate and the victim himself. The goal is to work together to ensure fair and transparent claims handling. The GBL provides a clear framework for this cooperation and ensures that the victim’s interests are always at the forefront. By following the guidelines of the GBL, all parties involved can contribute to a more efficient and fair handling of personal injury claims.

Communication and contact

Good communication and regular contact between the parties involved are crucial to successful claims handling. The GBL requires both the insurer and the advocate to maintain regular contact with the victim to discuss the progress of the claim handling process. In addition, they should keep the victim and each other informed of all correspondence and developments in the case. This open and transparent communication helps prevent misunderstandings and ensures that the victim is always well informed about the status of the case.

Prepare damage report

An accurate and well-substantiated statement of damages is essential for fair and transparent claims handling. According to the GBL, the advocate must prepare a detailed statement of damages in consultation with the victim. This overview must contain all relevant information, such as the nature and extent of the damage, the costs and the consequences of the damage. The insurer is then required to substantiate this statement of damages and clearly indicate which damages are recognized and which parts require further investigation. This process ensures a structured and transparent approach to claims handling that puts the interests of the victim first.

Why is this anchoring necessary for stakeholders?

Recent years have shown that voluntary compliance with the GBL was not always sufficient. In some cases, insurers did not adhere to the guidelines, leading to delays and frustration for victims. With its legal enshrinement, the GBL becomes enforceable, which is an important step in the professionalization of the personal injury industry.

The legal enshrinement ensures that the insurer acts alertly in processing claims, by immediately initiating a liability investigation following the liability claim.

How does Letselschade Advocaat Amsterdam prepare for this, according to the Personal Injury Council?

At Letselschade Advocaat Amsterdam, we fully support this change. We have followed the GBL closely for many years and work to the highest standards. With the legal enshrinement, we can support victims even better and ensure that their rights are fully respected.

Our team is prepared for this change and is ready to help you, regardless of the complexity of your case. We utilize any expert testimony to ensure that each claim is handled thoroughly and accurately. Contact us for a free consultation on your personal injury case.

Conclusion and final determination

The legal enshrinement of the GBL is a positive step for personal injury victims. With clear guidelines and better protection, settling personal injury claims will become fairer, faster and more transparent. From July 1, 2025, insurers and advocates will be required to comply with these rules, providing greater certainty and justice for victims. A key aspect of this is the final determination of damages, which ensures that recognized damages are paid within 14 days of recognition, ensuring timely compensation for victims.

Do you have questions about personal injury or want to learn more about what the GBL means for you? Feel free to contact Letselschade Advocaat Amsterdam. We are here for you.

About the author

Michael Michel

Michael takes care of your claim so you can focus on recovery.

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Deskundig, betrokken en zeer goed bereikbaar. Ik raad ze absoluut aan!
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Erg goed geholpen door Liane Foe.Is zeer betrokken en erg vriendelijk.Heeft alles goed afgehandeld, was erg revreden over haar! Ik zou haar zeker aanraden.
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Nourdin Rezzak
Nourdin Rezzak
Contacteerde Liane op de dag van mijn ongeluk en nadat we elkaar hadden gesproken heeft ze me alles duidelijk uitgelegd. Ze heeft me verteld wat ik allemaal kon verwachten en waar ik meteen actie voor moest nemen. Echt een heel fijn gesprek! Tussentijds contact opnemen voor vragen of extra uitleg was altijd mogelijk. Liane is een topper en een aanrader voor iedereen!!
r _
r _
Ik had het voorrecht om met Letselschade Advocaat Amsterdam te mogen samenwerken en ik kon niet meer onder de indruk zijn van hun service. Als expat die in Amsterdam woonde, was het lastig om door de complexiteit van een letselschadezaak te navigeren. Het team van Letselschade Advocaat Amsterdam zorgde er echter voor dat het hele proces naadloos verliep.Vanaf het eerste consult waren ze professioneel, meelevend en zeer deskundig. Ze namen de tijd om elke stap van het proces in duidelijke bewoordingen uit te leggen, zodat ik mijn rechten en opties volledig begreep. Wat het meest opviel was hun toewijding aan mijn zaak; ze gaven echt om mijn welzijn en werkten onvermoeibaar om een ​​eerlijke regeling te bewerkstelligen.Hun expertise in de omgang met verzekeringsmaatschappijen was van onschatbare waarde. Ik had er vertrouwen in dat mijn zaak in goede handen was, en ze hielden me de hele tijd op de hoogte.Ik kan Letselschade Advocaat Amsterdam van harte aanbevelen aan iedereen die juridische hulp nodig heeft bij een letselschadezaak. Hun professionaliteit, empathie en expertise zijn ongeëvenaard.
Shindu Balasubramaniam
Shindu Balasubramaniam
Heel snel geholpen ,er wordt altijd snel gereageert en geholpen heel veel lasten van mijn schouders gehaalt.Top!!
Dilara de Vries
Dilara de Vries
Ik heb een top ervaring gehad met Liane, zij heeft mij vanaf het begin geholpen met mijn letselschadezaak. Alles is erg snel en super goed verlopen. Dankjewel Liane!
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Thomas van der Woude
Jordi M
Jordi M
Ik wil Letselschade Advocaat Amsterdam bedanken voor hun geweldige hulp en ondersteuning. Vanaf het eerste gesprek voelde ik me serieus genomen en begrepen. Het team was deskundig, professioneel en altijd bereid om mijn vragen te beantwoorden. Ze hebben alles uit handen genomen, zodat ik me volledig kon richten op mijn herstel. De schadevergoeding die ze voor mij hebben geregeld, was boven verwachting. Ik kan dit kantoor aan iedereen aanraden die letselschade heeft opgelopen!
n elberdai
n elberdai
zeker een aanrader als letsel advocaat. Ze heeft me goed geholpen na de aanrijding. Ook een goeie afwikkeling weten te regelen aan het einde. Ook heel begripvol naar mij als cliënte. Bedankt voor je goeie steun en goed werk geleverd.
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