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Calculating damages: Practical tips and examples

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Curious about how much compensation you can get after personal injury? Calculating damages depends on the severity of your injury and your personal situation. In this article, you will learn how to calculate compensation and which factors are important.

Key points about compensation calculation

  • damages are compensation for intangible damages such as pain and suffering, and can be claimed for personal injury caused by another person’s actions.

  • The amount of punitive damages is calculated based on the severity of the injury and personal circumstances of the victim, using similar verdicts as a reference.

  • Legal assistance from a personal injury lawyer is crucial to correctly claiming damages and receiving fair compensation.

What is grievance money?

Calculating damages is a form of compensation intended to compensate for intangible damages such as pain, sorrow, and loss of enjoyment of life. The legal definition therefore includes compensation for intangible damages such as suffering, psychological distress, and reduction in quality of life. Imagine: you are hit by a car and suffer serious injuries. In addition to physical pain and medical expenses, you may also experience anxiety and grief. Calculating damages is designed to compensate for these intangible damages.

People are entitled to grievance money when they suffer personal injury at the hands of another person. This can happen in a collision, a dog bite or an industrial accident, for example. Examples of intangible damages include fear of leaving home, depression and loss of enjoyment of life. It is important to note that damages are only a portion of total personal injury compensation, which includes property damage such as medical expenses.

When claiming damages, it is essential to follow the proper legal steps. A personal injury attorney or personal injury lawyer can help you draft a personal injury claim and seek compensation. They can also provide a pain and suffering estimate so you know how much pain and suffering you can expect.

How is punitive damages calculated?

Calculating punitive damages is a complex process that takes into account several factors. One of the most important factors is the severity of the injury, such as the degree of permanent disability or visible scarring. The more severe the injury, the higher the damages indication will be. In addition, personal circumstances of the victim play a crucial role. Consider the impact of the injury on work, hobbies and daily life.

When determining the amount of punitive damages, similar court decisions are also considered. This helps determine fair and consistent compensation. A personal injury lawyer or attorney can assist in this process by analyzing previous personal injury cases and providing an appropriate figure for damages. This will give you a better idea of what to expect.

It is important to realize that damages are only part of the total compensation. In addition to damages, medical expenses and other property damage are also compensated. By properly documenting all expenses, you can claim full compensation.

Minor injury compensation

For minor injuries, such as bruises and minor cuts, the amount of damages can range from several hundred to several thousand euros. Examples of minor injuries include bruises and abrasions, where the indication of damages is between €0 and €800. In some cases, minor injuries can result in damages of €300 to €2,125.

It is important to properly document all expenses and damages even with minor injuries. This increases the chances of getting fair compensation. A personal injury lawyer or legal professional can help you claim damages and ensure that all intangible damages are properly compensated.

Even with minor injuries, it is essential to seek legal counsel to ensure that you exercise all of your rights.

Serious injury compensation

Serious injuries can lead to significantly higher amounts of grief. Consider situations such as a full spinal cord injury or severe burns. In such cases, damages can range from €8,000 to €21,000, depending on the specific circumstances. For very severe injuries, amounts between €40,000 and €76,000 are given as an indication.

For exceptionally severe injuries, such as a full spinal cord injury, the amount of damages can reach between €70,000 and €250,000. These high amounts reflect the enormous impact such injuries have on the victim’s life.

Hiring a personal injury lawyer is crucial in these cases to ensure that you receive the maximum compensation to which you are entitled.

damages after a car accident

A car accident related to damages.

A car accident can range from minor collisions to serious collisions resulting in permanent injuries. In a collision in which an 81-year-old woman suffered eye injuries and a broken fibula, she received €222 in damages. A 40-year-old woman who became disabled 55-60% after a car accident received €11,511.

A 50-year-old man who suffered back injuries after a single-vehicle accident received €12,100 in damages. For a 22-year-old man who was hit as a moped rider and suffered leg and foot injuries, the damages were €13,882. Whiplash injuries are also common in car accidents, with damages amounts ranging from €4,091 to over €13,500, depending on the severity of the injuries and additional problems such as relationship problems.

Clearly, the amounts of compensation for damages after a car accident can vary greatly depending on the nature and severity of the injuries sustained. Hiring a personal injury lawyer or legal professional can help you get the right indication of damages and ensure that you receive all the compensation to which you are entitled.

Workplace accident compensation

A workplace accident and the consequences for damages.

A workplace accident can have serious consequences for the employee. For example, an employee who suffered a back injury during a fall from a height of 5 meters and became 80-100% incapacitated as a result, is entitled to damages. In another case, an employee lost 100% of the vision in his right eye after an explosion during insulation work.

In a workplace accident in which an employee’s fingers were trapped by a forklift truck, resulting in amputation, the damages can be substantial. Another example is an employee who suffered a spinal injury after falling from a ladder, resulting in long-term restrictions. In these cases, the employer is often liable for the accident and resulting damages.

Engaging legal counsel is essential in workplace accidents to ensure that you receive proper compensation. Personal injury attorneys can help you claim damages and ensure that all intangible and property damage is properly compensated.

Psychological damage and damages

Psychological damage can be just as profound as physical damage and often occurs without visible injury. Consider conditions such as anxiety disorders, depression, and PTSD. Victims of psychological harm and mental injury can seek damages for the suffering and discomfort that affects their daily lives.

Practical examples include:

  • A 41-year-old man who received €11,943 for head and nerve injuries, including psychological damage, after an accident as a pedestrian.

  • A 4-year-old boy who received €9,000 for brain injuries and psychological damage after being hit while crossing the street.

  • A truck driver with PTSD after a fatal accident who received €4,556 in compensation for his psychological damages.

The impact of psychological damage on daily life can be enormous, and it is essential to properly document these damages in order to receive fair compensation. A personal injury attorney or lawyer can help you claim damages for psychological damages and ensure that all aspects of your suffering are included in the compensation.

Medical expenses and damages

In addition to damages, all additional expenses and lost income resulting from the injury must also be compensated. Damage calculation is only part of the total compensation and other personal injury damages can also be claimed, such as medical expenses and lost income.

Documenting all expenses is crucial to filing an injury claim. This includes not only direct medical expenses, but also any long-term treatments, therapies and devices needed for recovery. Be sure to keep all receipts and invoices and keep a detailed record of all expenses related to your injury.

Documenting all costs includes:

  • Direct medical costs

  • Long-term treatments

  • Therapies

  • Resources needed for recovery

Make sure you keep all receipts and invoices and keep a detailed record of all expenses related to your injury.

Similar personal injury cases

When determining damages, similar personal injury cases are often looked at to determine fair and consistent compensation. Therefore, it is important to hire a personal injury attorney who has experience with similar personal injury cases and can help you claim fair damages.

Tips for claiming damages

Engaging a personal injury professional is essential when claiming personal injury compensation. They can advise on legal options and next steps to receive maximum compensation. Victims are entitled to free legal help for personal injury under the law.

Keeping evidence of the damages suffered is crucial; without proof, compensation cannot be claimed. This includes medical reports, photographs of the injuries and witness statements. Agreements on compensation should always be put in writing to avoid problems in proof later.

Victims should hold the polluter liable in writing, as this can increase their chances of receiving compensation. It is also important to contact an advocate, who can help file a claim and make sure that everything is in the notice of liability.

Common mistakes in personal injury claims

A common mistake made in personal injury claims is not filling out or signing the claim form correctly, causing important details of the accident to be lost. Failure to note contact information of the other party can also lead to problems in establishing liability.

In addition, victims sometimes forget to seek help from the police or ambulance, which is crucial to settling the case. Taking cash directly from the other party without official settlement can lead to underpayment of damages.

Therefore, it is important to carefully and meticulously follow all the steps when claiming damages.

Enlisting legal counsel for personal injury cases saves time and reduces frustration as experts handle the process for you. Personal injury lawyers ensure that victims receive the maximum compensation to which they are entitled. Legal representation allows you to focus on your recovery while legal and financial matters are taken care of.

The cost of legal representation is usually reimbursed by the liable party’s insurer, making it free for victims. Prompt communication and up-to-date insight into the developments of your case are guaranteed when you hire a personal injury lawyer. However, many victims do not hire a specialized personal injury lawyer, which reduces their chances of a successful claim.

Summary of damages calculation

Calculating damages is an important form of compensation for intangible damages such as pain, sorrow and lost enjoyment of life. Calculating damages takes into account factors such as the severity of the injury, personal circumstances and similar personal injury cases. Whether the injury is minor or severe, it is essential to properly document all expenses and damages and seek legal counsel.

When claiming damages, there are many aspects to consider, from medical expenses to psychological damage. Avoiding common mistakes and hiring a personal injury lawyer can make a big difference in the amount of compensation. Make sure you are well-informed and take the right steps to secure your right to compensation.

Frequently asked questions about damages

About the author

Liane Foe

Liane takes your matter off your hands so you can focus on your recovery.

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Linda Mee
Linda Mee
Ik woon in Engeland en nadat mijn man een ongeluk had gehad in Amsterdam heb ik contact opgenomen met Liane die zijn claim op de meest professionele manier heeft afgehandeld, ze heeft hem van elke stap op de hoogte gehouden en is altijd behulpzaam en vriendelijk. Ik zou dit bedrijf van harte aanbevelen.
Hany Shazly
Hany Shazly
Over Liane Foe en haar letselschade kantoor spreken wij graag vol lof! Geduld, begeleiding en professionaliteit staan hoog in het vaandel.Liane heeft ons uitermate goed begeleid, en stond altijd voor ons klaar. Wij zijn haar enorm dankbaar.
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zeker een aanrader als letsel advocaat. Ze heeft me goed geholpen na de aanrijding. Ook een goeie afwikkeling weten te regelen aan het einde. Ook heel begripvol naar mij als cliënte. Bedankt voor je goeie steun en goed werk geleverd.
Marcel de Leeuw
Marcel de Leeuw
Nadat ik door een taxi werd geschept (fiets total loss, kleding beschadigd en schouder ontzet), begon een akelige strijd om het verhalen van de schade: de taxicentrale wilde het afkopen met een paar tientjes terwijl de verzekeringsmaatschappij van álles bonnetjes wilde zien (en bovendien niets kon doen zonder schuldbekentenis van de taxicentrale).Een advocaat leek me een grote stap, maar een oriënterend gesprek met mevrouw Liane Foe maakte aan die twijfel een eind.Meteen nadat ik haar mijn gegevens had gestuurd, werd er orde op zaken gesteld. Zij heeft toegang tot de gegevens van de RDW, en had daarmee direct contact met de verzekeraar zelf (en niet met de tussenpersoon die ik sprak). Vervolgens bekende de taxicentrale schuld en leverde hun deel van het schadeformulier in.Omdat zij de weg kent en de nodige ervaring heeft, was niet meer het starre schadeformulier leidend, maar kon er in één keer doorgepakt worden.En tot mijn verbazing ging het meteen over smartengeld; iets wat je zelf niet op een schadeformulier kunt invullen.Bovendien werden de advocaatkosten geheel door de verzekeringsmaatschappij vergoed, dus ik ben érg blij dat ik via de LSA (Vereniging van Letselschade Advocaten) bij mevrouw Liane Foe terechtkwam.
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Natasja Ackers
Zeer tevreden over Liane! Vanaf beging af aan is er hele fijne communicatie geweest. Liane heeft mij echt meegenomen in alle stappen die doorlopen moesten worden en nam alle tijd om dingen duidelijk uit te leggen. Ik zou Liane zeker adviseren, en mocht het in de toekomst nodig zijn dan zou ik Liane weer contacten!
Silven Bo
Silven Bo
Van begint tot eind super geholpen door Liane ze is er echt voor je , heldere communicatie je bent geen dossier nummer maar een mens bij haar ze was altijd goed bereikbaar en nam de tijd voor je ,voelde heel prettig ondanks het ongeluk ,denkt ze met je mee om zo goed mogelijk lichamelijk geestelijk financieel uit de letselschadezaak te komen ,helemaal top aanrader!!
Jelena van Oosten
Jelena van Oosten
Sinds april 2019 hebben wij een top ervaring gehad met mw. Liane Foe, als letselschade advocaat. Liane is heel zakelijk, professioneel en persoonlijk. Echt zeker een aanrader om hulp van Liane in te schakelen. Nu maart 2021 wordt de zaak afgerond. Ik heb een uiterst prettige ervaring de afgelopen jaren met mw de Foe gehad. Bedankt voor de goeie steun. Met vriendelijk groet, Jelena en Ysbrand
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Ik ben met dit advocatenkantoor in contact gekomen van wegen mijn schoonmoeder en mijn vrouw de zaak die advocaat Liane Foe voor mijn heeft behandeld was top alles ging in goed overleg ik ben meer dan tevreden de service het contact was heel fijn en warm dit is een top advocaten kantoor .
Ramses Jedeloo
Ramses Jedeloo
Letsel wens ik niemand toe... Maar als het dan toch gebeurt, dan wens ik je deze advocaat toe. Ik ben waanzinnig geholpen, de beste in Amsterdam en omstreken!
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