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Compensation after accident

A compensation after an accident is that the liable party must pay the damages

What is compensation after accident?

When you are involved in an accident, it can lead to both physical and emotional injuries. It is important to know that you are entitled to post-accident compensation for the damages you have sustained. This can range from medical expenses to intangible personal injuries. In addition to direct medical expenses, such as hospitalizations and treatments, other costs may also arise. These include rehabilitation costs, costs for domestic help during your recovery period, and any adjustments you have to make in your daily life due to permanent injuries. It is crucial to properly document all of these costs so that you can claim full compensation. In addition, a personal injury lawyer can help you determine intangible damages, such as pain and emotional distress suffered.

The process of claiming compensation can be complex and time-consuming, especially when serious injuries are involved. It is therefore essential to seek legal assistance, such as an experienced personal injury lawyer, who can guide you through the legal maze and ensure that you get what you are entitled to. The liable party, often represented by their insurance company, must compensate you for the full damages you suffered as a result of the accident. This includes not only the costs you incurred immediately, but also future costs you may have to bear as a result of the injuries you sustained, such as loss of earning power and study delays.

It is important to note that the amount of compensation depends on several factors, including the severity of the injury and the degree of liability of the other party. By hiring a personal injury expert, you can ensure that all items of damages, both tangible and intangible, are included in the calculation of compensation. Be sure to keep all supporting documents, such as medical reports and expense reports, to back up your claim.

Right to compensation

hold the other party liable

If you have suffered personal injury at the hands of another person, you are entitled to compensation. This applies, for example, in a car accident, a fall or an accident at work. The liable party must compensate the damages, including medical expenses and lost income.

Liability in a traffic accident

Liability in a traffic accident lies with the person who violated traffic rules. If you have been the victim of an accident, it is important to hold the other party liable. This helps in obtaining the compensation to which you are entitled.

Medical expenses and reimbursement

Medical expenses are a big part of compensation. You can receive compensation for treatments, rehabilitation and other medical expenses incurred as a result of the accident. These include costs for hospitalizations, physical therapy, medication and any surgeries necessary for your recovery. Future medical expenses, such as long-term therapies or modifications to your living environment due to permanent injuries, may also be reimbursed.

It is vital to keep all medical documents and invoices carefully so that you can make an accurate claim. Our personal injury experts will help you substantiate and claim these costs, and ensure that you receive the maximum compensation to which you are entitled. They will assist you in contacting the liable insurer and guide you through the entire process to ensure that you do not overlook any costs.

Intangible damages after accident

In addition to property damage, you may also be entitled to compensation for intangible damages, such as pain and emotional distress suffered. This is often referred to as damages and is intended to compensate for the impact of the injuries you have suffered.

How much compensation do you get after an accident?

whole damage calculation after accident

The amount of compensation depends on several factors, including the severity of the injury and the level of liability. It is essential to consult a personal injury lawyer to calculate maximum compensation. In addition to these factors, other elements play a role in determining compensation. For example, the impact of the injury on your daily life, such as the need for domestic help or modifications to your home, can affect compensation. The length of the recovery process and any permanent limitations are also taken into account.

In addition, the degree of fault of the other party may affect the amount of compensation. In some cases, there may be shared fault, which can reduce the final compensation. An experienced personal injury lawyer can help you identify all these aspects and ensure that you receive fair compensation for both the tangible and intangible damages you have suffered. It is vital to keep all relevant documentation, such as medical reports and witness statements, and consult with your attorney to build a strong case.

What do you get reimbursed after an accident?

After an accident, you may be compensated for various damages such as medical expenses, travel expenses, lost income and domestic help. It is important to accurately document all expenses for full compensation.

What are you entitled to after an accident?

After an accident, you are entitled to legal representation to help you claim compensation. A personal injury expert can assist you through the process and make sure you get what you are entitled to.

What will you be reimbursed in the event of an accident?

In an accident, you can be compensated for both property and intangible damages. This includes the cost of medical treatment, loss of earning capacity and damages for pain suffered.

Getting legal help

It is advisable to seek legal help to protect your rights. A personal injury lawyer can help you hold the person responsible and claim compensation.

Claiming damages

Claiming compensation can be a complex process. Our personal injury experts will guide you through every step, from gathering evidence to negotiating with the liable insurer.

Liable insurer and compensation

The liable insurer is responsible for paying compensation. It is important to act quickly and accurately to ensure that you receive full compensation for your damages.

Recovery and rehabilitation after an accident

After an accident, your recovery is a priority. Make sure you get all the medical treatment you need and that it is reimbursed by the liable party.

Frequently asked questions about compensation

How much compensation do you get after an accident?

Compensation varies and depends on factors such as the severity of your injuries and the liability of the other party.

What do you get reimbursed after an accident?

You can be reimbursed for medical expenses, travel costs, lost income and damages.

What are you entitled to after an accident?

You are entitled to both tangible and intangible damages, as well as legal representation.

What will you be reimbursed in the event of an accident?

In an accident, you get reimbursed for medical expenses, loss of self-employment and intangible damages.

About the author

Michael Michel

Michael takes care of your claim so you can focus on recovery.

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Over Liane Foe en haar letselschade kantoor spreken wij graag vol lof! Geduld, begeleiding en professionaliteit staan hoog in het vaandel.Liane heeft ons uitermate goed begeleid, en stond altijd voor ons klaar. Wij zijn haar enorm dankbaar.
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Letsel wens ik niemand toe... Maar als het dan toch gebeurt, dan wens ik je deze advocaat toe. Ik ben waanzinnig geholpen, de beste in Amsterdam en omstreken!
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Hele goede service, de aangewezen advocate (Liane Foe) is uitstekend! Heel goede inlevingsvermogen en gaat echt voor de cliënt! Op tijd feedback gekregen over de vooruitgang van de zaak, echt niks te klagen! Het eindresultaat was ook zeker goed dus ik ben tevreden!
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Clint dB
Het contact met Liane Foe heb ik als zeer prettig ervaren. Na het eerste gesprek had ik er gelijk een goed gevoel bij. Ze is emphatisch, professioneel en duidelijk in hetgeen wat ze voor mij kon betekenen.
Mick Boskamp
Mick Boskamp
Ik heb twee keer in mijn leven een letselschade advocaat gehad. Eén keer voor mezelf en één keer voor mijn dochter. Wat er in mijn zaak ontbrak, was ruim aanwezig toen we voor een aanrijding bij mijn dochter, Liane kregen als advocaat. Wat mijn advocaat niet had, had Liane in ruime mate: warmte, begrip en empathie. In zaken zoals deze zijn die eigenschappen super belangrijk, maar het is geen vanzelfsprekendheid. We zullen Liane hier altijd dankbaar voor blijven.
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Heel snel geholpen ,er wordt altijd snel gereageert en geholpen heel veel lasten van mijn schouders gehaalt.Top!!
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Eerlijk, doorstatend , vastberaden, volhoudend en barmhartig. Dat is Liane.
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